Impatient supporters and journalists I follow on Twitter (and I'm writing about two distinct groups here) had become rather cranky by bedtime. Some, even earlier:
As @jeffbutts Tweeted about 6 p.m.: "Re: obama's running mate. there's suspense. And then there's just plain annoyance. Get it over with."
After a daylong vigil, CNN reported Friday night that senior campaign officials said Obama's choice would not be announced to supporters in a text message until Saturday morning.
By 11 p.m., ABC News was reporting that the Secret Service had been dispatched to Biden's home.
As @nickjungman wrote at about 11:15 p.m.: "I am beginning to feel that I will *not* be the first to know Obama's VP pick. FALSE ADVERTISING!"
By 11:45 p.m., CNN flat-out declared Biden to be the guy.
Minutes to midnight, social media maven @toddblog summed up the feelings of many: "You can't promise that people will receive a text message "first," send a release to the news and NOT send the text. LAME Obama. Lame."
So maybe the promise was too good to be true. An interesting lesson in the buzz biz, nonetheless: Follow through and pay off matter.
PS: And seriously, is my phone network down? Because I still don't have a txt msg, and it's Saturday on the East Coast....
Addendum: It's now 8:02 a.m. Saturday. Bleary-eyed, I reach for my phone and see The Text. Sent at 2:38 a.m. today. Hmm. Shortly after midnight on the West Coast. Ah, well. It's a big country. Maybe the challenge of sending millions of simultaneous txt msgs was bigger than anticipated. Or maybe the campaign didn't want to be blamed for crashing Twitter when the news hit like a tsunami. That would have been a fatal blow to yesterday's buzz.