Friday, August 22, 2008

Buzz update

Just back from WichiTweets lunch, where cell phones vied for space on the tables with the chips and salsa. Several of us kept one eye out for The Txt Msg from the Obama campaign, announcing his vice presidential pick. Some checked their phones a little more than was necessary (obsessively?) considering that when the time comes, a cocophany is sure to ensue.

But the txt did not come over the lunch hour. So anticipation spawned speculation over the timing of the announcement: Before the evening news? During the evening news? During tonight's Olympics coverage? (My money's on breaking in during prime time tonight, though Old School thinking would aim for the start of the network news shows, 5:30 p.m. Central.)

Stay tuned.

PS: Is my phone working? I haven't gotten any txts all day! Better test it....

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