Sunday, October 19, 2008

Express yourself

I've been focusing lately on microexpressions, fleeting facial movements that underscore or undo someone's spoken message. Microexpressions help us tune into the emotional truth behind the words. (A prime example from a few years ago: The pleas from Sarah Smith for the return of her allegedly kidnapped little boys. Investigators observed that not only did her carjacking story not add up, her serene face did not match her anguished words. She eventually confessed to their murder.)

A lot of folks have been talking in recent days about facial expressions made by the presidential candidates during last week's debate: John McCain seems "too excitable"; Barack Obama seems "smug"; both can seem genuinely in touch or arrogant. So I found it interesting to watch Colin Powell talking on "Meet the Press" about how he evaluated these men over the past two years, then decided to endorse Obama.

As you watch it, focus on Powell's eyes and mouth. Does he smile or frown inappropriately? Scowl when he is saying something positive? Or do his face, words and emotions seem to be in sync? I'll let you be the judge.


Linda said...

I personally can't stand McCain's constant eye-blinking!

L. Kelly said...

You're not alone, Linda. I've heard more about that than about anything either candidate had to say during the debate!