I'll never forget how warm, gracious and genuinely open the Beggses were (and have continued to be to me and my husband over the years). Journalists who cover education and politics — and this story had elements of both — don't encounter that routinely.

I see less of them now than I once did, so I was as surprised as any reader to pick up the paper this week and discover that Shirley is being treated for breast cancer. As the story by Roy Wenzl details, Shirley has faced it with her typical determination, and minimal disruption to her university duties, but finally decided to go public with her story in hopes that it might help someone else.
The day Shirley's story was published, my mother-in-law was headed in for yet another chemo treatment. It's Maggie's third go-round with breast cancer and as she'd tell you: It's kind of a drag.
But reading about Shirley's strength of spirit — and learning they go to the same clinic — gave Maggie the boost she needed to make it through the morning. Chances are these two wonderful women will never cross paths there, but like ripples on a pond, their stories have.
I feel very privileged to be mentioned in the same paragraph as Shirley Beggs. Be assured that my prayers and thoughts are with her as she takes this journey.
As are you!
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